About Festival

  • rys. Julita Arendt

  • About the HumanDOC Festival

    Films at the 9th HumanDOC International Documentary Film Festival will be presented in Warsaw between 30th November and 2nd December 2018 in Kinoteka (the Palace of Culture and Science), in Kino Amondo (the Amondo Cinema), and in Staromiejski Dom Kultury (the Old Town Culture Center).

    After the events in Warsaw, the HumanDOC Festival will start its tour, to present the films to the public in several dozen Polish cities.

    From the first day of the HumanDoc Festival until the end of the year, some of the films will be available free of charge on the VOD.pl platform.

    #HumanDOC see more

    The HumanDOC International Documentary Film Festival has been developed on the basis of the HumanDOC Foundation activities. Our mission is to broaden public awareness of the global issues and to support economic, information and democratic development of society. We are guided by the idea of increasing knowledge about the world around us, because only by knowing more we are able to act effectively.

    #HumanDOC open your eyes

    Our festival is an unique opportunity to get to know moving stories from all over the world, share the experiences of extraordinary people, feel the emotions of communities that are distant and yet close to us at the same time. It is also an opportunity to look inside ourselves and confront our imaginations with reality.

    #HumanDOC festival worth your attention

    The HumanDoc Festival is a very poignant and profound experience. Enlightening because of the power of the characters of our films. Difficult due to the inevitable awareness of the reality of the presented events, which are the basis of documentary productions. Unique thanks to invited filmmakers and other guests. Priceless thanks to the sensitivity of our viewers.